Eclectic film
Eclectic film
As we expand from the traditional cinema setting into the ancient heart of Gorizia, which has been transformed into a space of inspiration, creativity, vision, and innovation, we are thrilled to present a selection of four remarkable, thought-provoking films. Just as BorGO Cinema" symbolizes the revitalization of the city's old quarter and its change of purpose, the film selection seeks to reshape classic film viewing by immersing the audience in works that sit at the intersection of installation, experimentation, and meditation. In addition to the growing trend of reviving old, abandoned spaces and transforming them into urban, publicly accessible locations, this initiative also serves as a philosophical reflection. Through our unconventional films, we can finally establish a dialogue that emerges from the space itself and is dedicated to this fascinating phenomenon.
The installations will be on display twice daily from September 24th to October 12th, starting at 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
Ardent Other, d. Alice Brygo, 2022, 16’
A stunned crowd faces a fire. The threat has no name, and a diffused anguish spreads. Fear needs to be conjured; fire must be turned into a sign.
I Accidentally Stepped On a Flower, d. Eneos Çarka, Stivi Imami, 2024, 17'
The second largest stadium in Tirana is a socialist relic that has seen its prime and now rests in uncertainty and timelessness. A cinematic poem, constructed from over a million cloud points, explores the enduring wildflowers in its abandoned fields, offering a new sensory experience of space.
Miserable Miracle, d. Ryo Orikasa, 2023, 8'
Inspired by the poems and drawings of Henri Michaux about his experience with mescaline, this film explores the limits of language and perception, creating connections between sound, meaning, shapes and movement.
The First Photograph, d. Jess Lau, 2024, 11’
The story of the artist's father, who fled from China to Hong Kong in 1978, is presented through a combination of documentary photography, Google Maps, news from 1978–1980, and old, damaged negatives. Through this, the artist attempts to reconstruct his father's fading memories and reconsider the broader historical narrative through the lens of individual experience.
A THOUSAND YEARS OF HISTORY IN THE HEART OF EUROPE: BORGO CASTELLO, CROSSROADS OF PEOPLES AND CULTURES”; CUP: F88F22000000007; expenditure financed by Next generation EU – PNRR – M1C3 – Measure 2 – Investment 2.1 – line A