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Gumb išči
Zapri iskalnik


Lana Andolšek, communication assistant

Jure Batagelj, photographer

Giuseppe Bambagioni, selector of First Crossings from DAMS

Cristina Battocletti, programme collaborator

Martina Bearzi, head of BorGO Cinema location

Žiga Brdnik, curator of the Cinema Gaze section

Sara Brollo, festival production assistant

Antonio Dagostin, curator of the Excursion section

Robert Drekonja, location manager

Martina Humar, translation and archiving

Miha Jenko, translator

Sandra Jovanovska, curator of First Crossings

Karin Kocijančič, office manager

Jakob Koncut, designer of the Darko Bratina Award sculpture

Urban Košir, audio-visual documentation and technical support

Milena Lazić, curator of the Cinema Gaze section

Ana Logar, selector of First Crossings from School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica

Patricija Maličev, programme selector

Sara Malni, selectors of First Crossings from DAMS

Emanuela Masseria, communication consultant

Jovana Mihajlović, communication assistant (ITA)

Saša Mrak, photographer

Peter Persoglia, audio-visual documentation and technical support

Luka Pieri, translator

Kaja Rakušček, print editor and head of volunteers

Vida Rucli, graphic design of the catalog

Marta Savignano, infopoint

Mateja Sulič, coordination of promotion and executive producer

Aljaž Škrlep, website

Nadina Štefančič, coordination of the programme and public relations (SLO) 

Anka Štular, graphic design

Mateja Zorn, festival director

Maja Ava Žiberna, hospitality coordinator