Srdan Golubović

Kinoatelje presents the Darko Bratina 2020 Award to the Serbian director Srdan Golubović for his foregoing opus of feature films, in which he portrays lifecycles of post-transitional society with consistent sensitivity and uncompromising narratives, and reveals the power of corrupt political and economic systems, which leave behind cemeteries not only of the fates of individuals but also those of ideals.
In each of his works, he unobtrusively invites the viewer to question which human action put forward on an individual level, so that the latter would contribute to the balance and equality of existence of individuals in society and enable the establishment of unsentimental empathy that has been pushed out of his consciousness.
In the late 1990s, he was imprisoned several times on account of his political and ideological beliefs:
»Once, because they could not find a better reason to arrest me on that occasion, they imprisoned me for allegedly stealing my neighbor’s tire. I experience myself as a storyteller. I try to surprise the audience, scare them, move them to tears … That is why I try to structure my films and their stories accordingly. I try to establish balance between emotion and reason – I try to keep these emotions authentic, essential, and not allow them for a moment to become pathetic.«
Srdan Golubović
Filmography and awards:
2020: Otac (Oče / Father, 2020): Berlin International Film Festival, nagrada občinstva, nagrada ekumenske žirije.
2013: Krugovi (Krogi / Circles, 2013): Sundance, posebna nagrada žirije; Berlinale, nagrada ekumenske žirije v sekciji Forum, Sofia International Film Festival, nagrada občinstva. Pulj 2013 Zlata arena za najboljšo manjšinsko koprodukcijo, najboljšo režijo in najboljšega igralca, diploma Hrvaškega društva filmskih kritikov. Sarajevo Film Festival, nagrada občinstva. Srbski kandidat za najboljšega tujejezičnega oskarja 2014.
2007: Klopka (Past / The Trap): Art Film Festival, nagrada modri angel; Cinequest San Jose Film Festival, nagrada za najboljšo režijo; Milano International Film Festival Awards, nagrada za najboljšo režijo, Sofia International Film Festivala, grand prix; Trieste Film Festival, nagrada občinstva, Wiesbaden go East, najboljša režija.
2001: Apsolutnih sto (Absolutnih sto / Absolute Hundred): Thessaloniki Film Festival, nagrada občinstva; Cottbus Film Festival, posebna nagrada, nagrada FIPRESCI, nagrada ekumenske žirije.