Peter Mettler

The 2018 Darko Bratina Award is presented to Peter Mettler for his unique poetics developed outside the mainstream of the film industry and for his exceptional body of work in independent cinema, which for three decades has evaded any genre categorization, whether in documentary or feature films.
Mettler holds dual citizenship, Swiss and Canadian. This binary (op)position, which he has never renounced, allows him to never be solely inside or outside of what he captures with his camera. On the contrary, the historical memory, which many contemporary filmmakers today try to shed as an unnecessary burden, is just one of the impulses for his deconstruction. For Mettler, a border is only part of a whole that assembles each time he crosses it—whether it’s a border with infinity, immateriality, or just a physical border that he understands as just another movable milestone of history.
Selected filmography
1980: Lancalot Freely
1982: Scissere
1985: Eastern Avenue
1989: The Top of His Head
1992: Tectonic Plates
1994: Picture of Light
1996: Balifilm
2002: Gambling, Gods and LSD
2009: Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands
2012: The End of Time
2018: Becoming Animal