Dalibor Matanić

Kinoatelje awards the 2016 Darko Bratina Award to Croatian director Dalibor Matanić for an impressive and astonishingly diverse body of work that the director has created in the field of film in less than twenty years, establishing him in the context of Croatian cinema as one of the most unusual, distinctive, fundamentally different, and thus unique figures of a generation focused on the social "here and now." In him, the first true post-Yugoslav generation of directors found its ideal embodiment—one whose works are marked by the freedom from burden of the past (which he nevertheless constantly carries in his consciousness) and the freedom from burden of traditional categories of authorship and artistry. In his treatment of the current social moment, he does not get lost in the past but is always looking forward. His protagonists often represent vulnerable and minority groups in our society who are pushed to the margins: young people, women, homosexuals, workers. He draws attention to "new" social identities, issues of social stratification, and calls for the transcendence of these boundaries.
Feature films
2015 Zvizdan (The High Sun - Sole alto), 123'
2013 Majstori (Handymen), 75'
2011 Ćaća (Daddy – Papà), 70'
2010 Majka asfalta (Mother of Asphalt), 107'
2008 Kino Lika (Kino Lika), 122'
2005 Volim te (I Love You – Ti amo), 83'
2004 100 minuta slave (100 Minutes Of Glory – 100 minuti di celebrità), 100'
2002 Fine mrtve djevojke (Fine Dead Girls – Belle ragazze morte), 70'
2000 Blagajnica hoće ići na more (The Cashier Wants To Go To The Seaside – La commessa vuole andare al mare), '70
Short films
2016 Transmania, omnibus v delih, 93'
2011 Mezanin (Mezzanine), 14'
2009 Tulum (The Party), 15'
2004 Djevojčica sa olovkama
2002 Suša (Drought - Siccità), 14'
2001 Tišina
1999 Bag (Bag), dokumentarni kratki, 20'
1998 Sretno! (Good Luck! - Buona fortuna!), dokumentarni kratki s Tomislavom Rukavino in Stanislavom Tomićem, 35'
TV series
2016 Novine (The Paper – Il giornale), 12 delov, 12 x 60'